Minister Monet Williams
Highschool Students
We use the Bible to point students to Jesus, and to show them that the gospel affects their theology, relationships, and world view. In order to reach our teens today we need to change our expectations and strategies by becoming more transparent and relevant. Join us every 2nd and 4th Sunday at 10:30am
Minister Raquel Thomas &
Dr. Carmen Brittain
Elementary School
Kids 4 The Kingdom is a place where children have fun, play games, and build relationships with each other. Our leaders help them learn about God and His great love for them. Join us every 1st and 3rd Sunday at 10:30am.
Pastor Anthony & Pastor Renee Williams
Our marriage ministry is thriving! They meet virtually once a month on ZOOM (Meeting ID: 817 6918 1920)– in a casual setting with other couples – providing enrichment, encouragement, and support. They walk with you through a variety of relationship issues providing a safe place to grow. To learn more click on the link below. Ecclesiastes 4:9
Deacon Mike Williams, Sr.
Men of Valor
Our "Men of Valor" have great variety of discussions and meet virtually once a month on ZOOM (Meeting ID: 834 0283 1072) and some months in person. As iron sharpens iron, they challenge one another to become fully devoted men of God, motivated by a love for Him and a love for others. "Iron sharpens iron; so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend." Proverbs 27:17
Pastor Renee Williams
Vessels of Honor
The "Vessels of Honor" meet every other month in person and have wonderful fellowship. Come join them as they explore how to partner together to create a life-giving culture in the church where intentional relationships can flourish. "In the same way, the women are to be worthy of respect, not malicious talkers but temperate and trustworthy in everything." 1 Timothy 3:11
How Can We Help?
During the next few months as our church faces the unknown, we would like to come together as a church family and support each other. We are coordinating efforts to help meet needs within the church body. If you are older or immune compromised, please let us know what you may need assistance with. If you need food, household items, assistance with any daily living needs, etc., please don't hesitate to reach out.
Sarah's Daughters
Minister Rashea Coaxum
Led by the Holy Spirit, Sarah’s Daughters is a ministry that encourages single women
to deepen their intimacy with Jesus Christ and fully embrace their unique season with faith, purpose,
and joy! Sarah’s Daughters equips single women to remain committed to God through
prayer, sisterhood, and the Word of God, while fostering self-love, self-care, and encouraging them to
see themselves as Christ sees them, fearfully and wonderfully made!